Dear Writer, I have included some major points that need fixing before we do mor

Dear Writer,
I have included some major points that need fixing before we do mor

Dear Writer,
I have included some major points that need fixing before we do more.
The intro and literature still needs work. There are 2 types of mindfulness, use a couple of the articles from the link I provide to support the claim. And make sure you justify your approach – state vs trait. Include the article which talks about the brain neurobiology.
Your chart of participants is not clear. This is crucial. I include some notes. Sort this and then we can move forward.
You have a simple model – you are testing whether mindfulness training was useful in helping Dubai police officers reduce their stress. So you measure them psychologically, biologically. You gave them exercises to do. You meet again weekly basis, its explained more in comment5 please review it for the groups. You continued your training.
• you need to accurately match the participants at each point in the chart in your dATA…probably an excel sheet or something.
• you will work those ie. do the stats on those whose data is complete.
Get this fixed 
IN addition, 5 comments attached highlighted and last page included comment 5.
I have attached the data collected for the surveys and medical report for group 1 and. 2 and 3 , please revise the data analysis and data collected that have done the 3 surveys and 2 medical report for each group. After revising the data analysis and data collected for the three groups, please share the new data fixed , match the participants at each point in the chart. I think so, the total is 274 participants that have done the three surveys and two medical report which include participants in G1,G2,G3.
Also, please share the new excel sheet documents separately to be easily reviewed.
Please fix the commnets in (Mindfulness Among Dubai Police Force 2024 document files and highlight the edited part in the document changes have been done in one file ) and review the data collected and analysis that is in updated data analysis in the old data analysis to fix question 5.
In addition, please share with me the citated articles ( references) used.
best thanks.