develop a PowerPoint slide presentation for use as a training tool, the powerpoi

develop a PowerPoint slide presentation for use as a training tool, the powerpoi

develop a PowerPoint slide presentation for use as a training tool, the powerpoint will be on how to prepare an effective presentation. The powerpoint should outline (i.e., no more than 2-3 slides) how to start a presentation (attention-getting steps) and provide an overview for the audience. You should focus most of your presentation (i.e., 8-10 slides) on what makes an effective presentation. Factors to consider in all forms of communication–Who is your audience? What is your message? Are you trying to persuade? Inform? Here are some guidelines to get you started: You will brief a small group of newly graduated Business Students on how to present an effective presentation. Your audience ages are anywhere from 20-60 years of age, with various business backgrounds, military experience, and even some small business owners. There should be an introduction slide, a topic overview slide, 8-10 slides on presentation techniques, a conclusion slide, and a reference slide. Use PowerPoint’s “notes” feature to list your talking points on each slide. Please include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (do NOT use encyclopedias, Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as brief articles from websites), include a reference section (i.e., 1-2 slides), and cite all sources properly in the text of each slide, per the 7th edition of the APA manual.