Discuss the ethical and social consequences of decision-making in this case. Ass

Discuss the ethical and social consequences of decision-making in this case.

Discuss the ethical and social consequences of decision-making in this case.
Assess the ethical business practices of Enron.
Research Enron and its actions regarding practices violating business ethics
Synthesize the facts and issues in the Enron case and identify the detrimental effects unethical practices have on all stakeholders
The Enron case is an example of a scandal of an immense breach of ethical practices resulting in the fall of a major energy provider. The case involves a culture underpinned by incentive schemes rewarding unethical practices. Enron executives engaged in aggressive accounting practices such as the use of mark to market valuation on contracts produced artificially large earnings, disguising for some years underlying poor profitability in major parts of the business. Eventually this led to the demise of the company and the imprisonment of many of the top executives. Students will explore this case representative of a lack of ethical and legal compliance and the far-reaching repercussion for many people and institutions.
Read the appropriate materials and find other resources beyond the following case study:
Healy, P. M., & Palepu, K. G. (2003). The fall of Enron. The Journal of economic perspectives, 17(2), 3—26.
As per the assignment’s description, support your paper with appropriate sources, including at least four academic sources (books or journal articles such as those found in the YU library)
Submission Instructions
Write a report about this case study. Each report should include an introduction and conclusion, should be 4-6 pages (double spaced), 2.54 cm margins (the default on MS Word), and 12 pts size font. The paper should follow the APA guidelines for format and citation.