do not bid before u read below and know how to understand and follow all directi

do not bid before u read below and know how to understand and follow all directi

do not bid before u read below and know how to understand and follow all directions. only organic chemistry expert
1. ALL questions must be answered fully, all parts of the question.
2. show work for ALL questions. all steps must be shown.
3. professor is very heavy on drawing and not just only explaining. you have to explain and DRAW every single part the questions ask for. 4. don’t just answer the question. this is an exam. all questions must be answered fully, shown every step and explained
5. do not absolutely plagiarize. this will be checked through detector. don’t use AI, don’t use chatgpt or chegg. Absolutely don’t. if I wanted answers from chegg or AI, I would go there and not be here. no internet at all. 6. it absolutely cannot be typed. this is organic chemistry with tons of drawing. must be hand written. u can print it and write or use ink on the iPad.