Each student will complete a Power Point presentation on a selected topic relate
Each student will complete a Power Point presentation on a selected topic related to course content. The presentation topic will be the same topic used for the Term Paper due later in the course. The goal of the presentation is for you to understand the topic, become familiar with the research and theoretical approaches associated with the topic, and learn about intervention and prevention approaches and social change efforts related to the topic. Topics need to be specific. Select a topic related to Domestic Violence that interests you (i.e. elder abuse, child abuse, stalking, etc.) – and then begin narrowing it down further. You may choose a specific demographic group (age, race/ethnicity, religion, geographical or regional group, etc) or you may choose to examine your topic from a specific perspective (treatment issues, theoretical perspective, professional considerations such as legal or educational factors). Some examples of narrowed topics include: Physical abuse of Hispanic children ages 7- 12; Financial abuse of the elderly – legal considerations; Theoretical Frameworks for working with adult survivors of child sexual abuse…… Students are encouraged to select a topic of their own, but will need the instructor’s approval. Students will create a 15 – 20 slide presentation to be used for instruction on their topic. Notes should be added to the presentation for verbal dissemination or may be recorded as an audio presentation. Five (5) additional slides must be added to the end of the presentation and include 5 multiple choice questions (1 question per slide) which could be used for assessment of the material. Correct responses and explanations to each question should be included in the notes of each slide. A Reference Slide must be included (but does not count toward the 15-20 slides of content). The Reference Slide must list all resources cited for this presentation. Refer to the specific Assignment Document located in this course for the grading rubric and additional information. · Students will create a 22 slide presentation to be used for instruction on their topic.: o 1 Title Slide o 15 Content Slides – WITH NOTES o 5 Multiple Choice Review Questions – with answers and explanations o 1 References Slide · Notes must be added to the presentation for verbal dissemination or may be recorded as an audio presentation. · Review questions must be included with 5 multiple choice questions (1 question per slide) which could be used for assessment of the material. Correct responses and explanations to each question (including explanations for incorrect responses) should be included in the notes of each slide. · References should be included on a final slide · Refer to the specific grading rubric and additional information. Creatively presenting your information is encouraged. Use of slide design, transitions, special graphics and inserts is highly encouraged. Bonus credit will be given for audio presentations and/or use of video in the presentation. Any statistics, graphs, or other information that is used from another source must be referenced and not exceed 10% of the final presentation. The information presented in this assignment should by YOUR work – copying and pasting information from other sources is considered plagiarism.