Financial Accounting Analysis Internal Assignment June

Financial Accounting Analysis Internal Assignment June

Assignment Task

1. Analyse the following transactions for Surprise Ltd. using the concept of Accounting Equation comprising of Assets, Liabilities and Equity.

1. Commenced business with cash of ₹ 5,00,000.

2. Purchased equipment for cash 2,00,000.

3. Purchased furniture worth 50,000 on credit from IndiMart.

4. Purchased raw materials for ₹25,000 against cash from XYZ Suppliers.

5. Deposited cash of 1,25,000 in the current account.

6. Sold goods for 75,000 and received a cheque against the same.

2. Prepare a vertical balance sheet from the following information:

Share capital 150000 Goodwill 20000
share premimum account 5000 Land and building 80000
General Reserve 60000 Plant At cost less dep 44000
Profit and Loss Account 17000 Furniture(at cost less dep) 3000
6?benture 50000 Investment(Trade) 80000
Bank Loan 35000 Bebots 70000
Bank Overdraft 20000 Stock 60000
Sundry Creditors 60000 Cash at Bank 40000
Privission for Taxation 10000  Prepaid expenses 5000
Totoal Rs. 407000 Totoal Rs. 407000


3. A. Prepare a comparative income statement for any company extracting their P&L statement for the years 2020-21 & 2021-22. Analyse the incline and decline in the different elements in the P&L Statement and provide detailed insights.

B. Prepare a trend analysis statement for any the same company extracting their PL statement for the years 2019-20, 2020-21 2021-22. Analyse the incline and decline in the different elements in the P&L Statement and provide detailed insights.

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