first : Authentic assessment calls for collecting a variety of data across time

first :
Authentic assessment calls for collecting a variety of data across time

first :
Authentic assessment calls for collecting a variety of data across time and over all developmental domains, use of data for planning classroom instruction, embedding assessment in children’s regular classroom activity, and involving children and parents in the process. Consider each of the following types of assessment. In what ways is each consistent with authentic assessment?
-Work samples
-Anecdotal notes
second :
Rosemary teaches 3- and 4-year-old children in a child-care center. Over time she observes that although the children begin each day eager to play in the pretend grocery store, they don’t seem to know what to do with the materials or each other. They mostly argue over the cash register, grab the food cartons from the shelves, and dump them onto the floor. Their play lacks focus, and they seldom talk to one another for real or in a pretend role. It doesn’t take long before the area is a mess and the children simply drift away to other activities.
Part 1: Describe three specific ways children can benefit developmentally/academically from playing in the grocery store (ex: practicing language and writing skills by writing a grocery list)
Part 2: Identify three teaching strategies from the text and lecture notes that Rosemary could use to support the children’s learning in the pretend grocery (ex: modeling).
third :
Documenting Young Children’s Learning
Answer the following questions:
-Name four methods of documentation of children’s learning mentioned in the video.
-Why is it important to document children’s learning at different times and in different contexts?
-Why is it important to reflect on the information you’ve documented regarding children’s learning?
fourth :
Practice Writing Objectives:
You are teaching a unit on birds to your class of 4-year-olds. Write three objectives for a lesson you’ve planned where students read a book on birds and observe birds on a nature walk. The objectives should detail what children will know or be able to do by the end of the lesson (ex: Students will be able to verbally detail at least one aspect that makes birds different from other animals).
last one :
Some parents have asked you why children are wasting their time in pretend play in the 4-year-old classroom instead of focusing on getting ready for kindergarten. Describe in detail your rationale for including pretend play in the classroom. Identify three things children are learning as they engage in pretend play.
please do the separate