For this assignment, you will be investigating THREE of the following major ethi

For this assignment, you will be investigating THREE of the following major ethi

For this assignment, you will be investigating THREE of the following major ethical perspectives. You will select THREE of the perspectives from the list and then answer the following questions.
-Virtue Ethics of Aristotle
-Utilitarianism of John Stuart Mill
-Categorical Imperative of Immanuel Kant
-Feminist Perspectives: An Ethics of Care
-Cultural/Moral Relativism
-John Rawls Theory of Justice
Once you have selected your THREE perspectives, you will answer these questions in 1-2 pages each perspective.
1. State the perspective. Identify who wrote it and in what context was it developed.
2. Is the perspective teleological or deontological?
3. What are the major tenets of the perspective?
4. Are there any criticisms of the perspective?
5. Can you provide any examples of this perspective in use?
You will need to use references to support your information. Therefore, there will need to be a references list with all references in APA style.