For this journal reflection, you will write about a historical documentary from

For this journal reflection, you will write about a historical documentary from

For this journal reflection, you will write about a historical documentary from the list below or of your own choosing. First, you will describe the historical event or subject and the artifacts included in the documentary. Next, you will describe the point of view for the documentary. Then, you will explain how bias is demonstrated in the filmmaker’s choices of point of view and artifacts. Lastly, you will reflect on your own biases in your interpretations.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Briefly summarize the historical event or subject outlined in the documentary.
Describe the point of view for the documentary and ways this might represent bias.
How does the filmmaker show this point of view?
Whose faces and voices do you see and hear?
How do the artifacts that are presented show bias?
How does the point of view represent bias?
Explain why you chose this documentary.
What interests you about the historical event or subject?
What do you know about the documentary filmmaker?
Reflect on how your personal biases can affect your interpretation of the documentary.
Out in America (79:09)
Harvest of Loneliness: The Bracero Program (57:53)
Paris 1919: Inside the Peace Talks That Changed the World (94:04)
Haiti: Land of Tragedy, Land of Hope (55:17)
Irish Civil War: The Madness from Within (58:34)
Anita: Speaking Truth to Power (76:00)
The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till (66:00)