Format and Requirement Minimum length: six full pages, double-spaced, and cohere

Format and Requirement
Minimum length: six full pages, double-spaced, and cohere

Format and Requirement
Minimum length: six full pages, double-spaced, and coherently written. Font size 12. Please italicize all film titles, book titles, and journal titles; indicate page numbers; maintain proper space and margins (one inch on all four sides); indent the first sentence of a new paragraph; do not leave extra space between two paragraphs to make the paper look longer; proofread the paper. The paper should have a title. Failure to adhere to proper format may result in losing points. For citations, either the MLA Style or the Chicago Manual of Style is fine.
Films and film clips screened or discussed in class since the midterm exam.
Rouge 胭脂扣 (Dir. Stanley Kwan, starring Anita Mui and Leslie Cheung,1987).
Farewell China 爱在别乡的季节(Dir. Clara Law, starring Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung
Ka-fai, 1990).
Her Fatal Ways 表姐,你好嘢 (Dir. Alfred Cheung, starring Carol Cheng, Tony Leung Ka-fai, 1990)
Comrades Almost a Lover Story 甜蜜蜜 (Dir. Peter Chan, starring Maggie Cheung and Leon Lai,1997).
Durian Durian 榴莲飘飘 (Dir. Fruit Chan, starring Qin Hailu, 2001).
A Simple Life 桃姐(Dir. Ann Hui, starring Deanie Ip and Andy Lau, 2012).
City of Glass 玻璃之城 (Dir. Mabel Cheung 张婉婷, starring Leo Lai and Shu Qi 1998).
Films of Wong Kar-wai
Chungking Express 重庆森林 (1994)
Happy Together 春光乍泄 (1997)
In the Mood for Love 花样年华 (2000)
Films by Stephen Chow
Flirting Scholar 唐伯虎点秋香 (1993)
Shaolin Soccer 少林足球 (2001)
Kungfu Hustle 功夫 (2005)
The Mermaid 美人鱼 (2016)
Please choose only from these above films as examples unless other relevant films have been approved by the instructor.
Dream, Journey, Identity
Hong Kong cinema is more than martial arts and action. The second part of the course examines dramas of love, fantasy, journey, search, and self-discovery in Hong Kong cinema. Characters in these films seem to harbor a big dream: a “Hong Kong dream,” a “California dream,” or a “New York dream.” With the passage of time, they attempt to create a new identity, be a different person, go to a new place, enter a relationship, or feel nostalgic for the past. Discuss the ways in which these characters change, pursue dreams, cherish old relationships, or search for new identities. Please feel free to consult relevant discussions in Planet Hong Kong by Professor David Bordwell, the anthology A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema, and the special section “China and China Diaspora Film” in the online journal Jump Cut. (See the syllabus for details.)
In your analysis, you should discuss the films of at least three different directors. You may focus on one film from each of the three directors. You should analyze at least three films altogether. Please also briefly comment on the stylistic characteristics of each of the directors and films. Once again, like the midterm, both what you write and how you write are important. Avoid simple generalizations. You need to refer to specific elements in the films. Coherence, organization, and elegance are important criteria for good writing.
Important Note
The purpose of the paper is to fulfill the requirement of writing an expository essay in English at the college level. Plagiarism is not tolerated. If a student’s paper shows a high percentage of similarity to existing online or print sources and does not cite the sources, this constitutes a possible case of plagiarism. Using AI or a translation app is also considered plagiarism.
The paper is due Tuesday, March 19, at 11:59 pm. No late paper will be accepted without a legitimate excuse. Please submit the paper directly to the Canvas course