From Trifles by susan glaspell write an essay focusing on three themes, symbols,

From Trifles by susan glaspell write an essay focusing on three themes, symbols,

From Trifles by susan glaspell write an essay focusing on three themes, symbols, or literary devices in the text.
In order to support your thesis, you must incorporate research from 3 secondary sources from the CGTC’s Library references page’s Literary Reference Center and/or GALILEO, Credo Reference, and/or reputable sources (Wikipedia, Shmoop, Cliffs Notes, Lit Charts, etc. are NOT reputable sources). However, you may use any article or cited Power Point resources provided in the Drama Resources folder.
Remember that a secondary source is an article source besides the play that you are analyzing.
The essay must be set up in MLA style and contain a Works Cited page citing both your play (primary source) and your research article sources (secondary sources). These sources must also be cited in the body of your paper beside the information taken from the source.
Like any five-paragraph essay, this essay will have an introduction paragraph that ends with a three-part thesis statement establishing the three main literary elements of discussion.
The three body paragraphs will contain 8-11 sentences, and each will address in the same order the elements presented in the thesis statement. Each body paragraph should contain a topic and concluding sentence as well as transitions to help the reader move from one idea to the next.
The concluding paragraph will restate the three main elements discussed as well as the name of the play and playwright.
Your audience members have read the plays in this module, so do not summarize the plot.
Ten points will be deducted every time a source outside of Galileo, LibGuides, the Literary Reference Center, or in the drama resource folder is used.