Group lesson on homosexuality/same-sex marriage. Both topics need to be addresse

Group lesson on homosexuality/same-sex marriage. Both topics need to be addresse

Group lesson on homosexuality/same-sex marriage. Both topics need to be addressed. The church needs to be aware of God’s teaching and how it will respond to it. It is designed to be to a crowed where the Word of God will be taught. Content needed: *Facts and impact of this issue in our culture *Causes that are attributed to the issue of homosexuality – what the culture says about where homosexuality comes from *The Biblical principles that relate to this subject – both homosexuality and same-sex marriage. As you address the relevant passages, seek to help ones understand how the homosexual community interprets these passages. Explain why this interpretation is wrong and teach the right interpretation. The goal is to instruct the everyday believer about the truth of the Scriptures of this issue so they can develop a Biblical perspective of homosexuality, and learn how to use God’s truth to reach homosexuals *Seek to present some plan of action that the church can take to reach out to homosexuals with the gospel – learn how to stand against the sin but still show love to the sinner *This project should be in the form of a manuscript writing in normal paragraph style. It is to be 3-5 pages. *You are to use the textbook (Christian Ethics- Ken Magnuson) and two (2) other sources. You should document your sources in your work and include a Source Cited page at the end of the document.