Hello, I need help completing this assignment. I have attached part one and the

Hello, I need help completing this assignment. I have attached part one and the

Hello, I need help completing this assignment. I have attached part one and the template for part 2, Here are the details: The final submission must have Part I and II together in a single word document. Professional and Scientific Management (p.183 #3 Systems Analysis and Design)
Refer to the description of the PSSM business process in the textbook. You can work in groups of up to five (Case 1 Canvas group). You will submit a draft of Part I on Monday and a final Submission will be due on 3/24. The draft due Monday will not be graded, but I want to be able to provide feedback to groups. Part I 1) Identify four use cases for the PSSM staffing system and create a Use Case Diagram for each. The use cases should identify the name, actor, trigger, type, major inputs/outputs, major steps preformed and Information required for each step. 2) Draw a Use Case Diagram in Visio with the four use cases, actors, and relationships.
3) Create a Context Diagram in Visio for the PSSM system.
Part II
1) Create a Level 0 DFD for the PSSM 2) Create a Level 1 DFD for one of the processes in the Level 0 DFD. The level 1 diagram must have 3-7 processes. 3) Identify an information system which would improve the current processes as described in the mini-case. Create a systems request template here Download template here). For the project sponsor, identify a job title of an appropriate sponsor for such a system. Recall the business requirements should clearly describe the system functionality, and the business need should identify the business reason for the system. Articulate the business value. An quantitative analysis is not necessary. 4) Articulate a change management strategy which describes training on the new system and at least one informational and one political (policy) approach to encourage adoption. The submission for should be a Word document (.doc/docx) with a screen shot of the Use Case Diagram and Context Diagram. Hint: As a logical DFD, we are modeling the PSSM system which includes human actors (i.e. Contract Manager who reviews the terms and conditions of the contract) that are within the system. We don’t consider these human actors as external entities or external actors. They conduct process activities which as part of the system. As you complete part I of the case, be thinking about how technology could improve the process/system for fulfilling contracts.