Hello, this assignment is a life map This is the descriiption Construct a timel

Hello, this assignment is a life map
This is the descriiption
Construct a timel

Hello, this assignment is a life map
This is the descriiption
Construct a timeline of your life up until now and include critical events/experiences and key relationships in your life. The events and experiences you draw on your life map can make great starting points for self-exploration. Along with the life map, include a two-page paper that
discusses how at least one key relationship and/or event has shaped your development
across time. Apply concepts apply concepts of developmental stages/ attachment theories, biopsychological model etc.
So, I will design the life map but I need help with the two pages paper so and connection with the concepts. So I am sharing some background information for reference and the relationship,or even could be my faith and my time in the schools. Thank you.
APA 7TH edition

I was born in a city with a lot of cultural wealth. I come from a humble family. My parents are separated, and I grew up with my grandmother and my older sister. My parents both started new families. During my childhood I remember that I really liked playing with my cousins and neighbors. My sister was seven years older than me and she took care of me. I grew up in a neighborhood with a bad reputation for being unsafe. I remember that I liked going to school. The first two years of Elementary school I went to the same school with my cousins, and this is affecting my behavior so my mother decided to send me to a different school. She enrolled me in one of the best public schools in the city. It was a school only for girls and I had to take an exam and an interview to be admitted and thank God I did. From there my life changed. I started third grade at a different school with people from higher social classes who were very polite. I started to be more disciplined, delicate and somewhat selective with my friends. She was a good girl. I no longer shared as much with my cousins and my life was more about school. I also began to know about God from a very young age. Nobody in my family is really religious, my grandmother was a believer but the truth is she never try indoctrinate me or anything like that. I began to know about God when I read a children’s Bible with very large drawings that I really liked. Somehow, I connected and over time I developed a very pleasant faith towards God. Although my father had money, as I did not live with him, I was very poor and I remember that my grandmother always told me to study and so with effort one day I could live better, I always remembered his words. Another event that impacted my life was entering secondary school, also a very good public school for girls only, which she was able to enter due to merit. I loved going to school, I didn’t like my neighborhood because it had a bad reputation and I didn’t like being at home because it wasn’t comfortable, although I loved spending time with my grandmother and my sister. School was very important to me. I made very good friends, I managed to participate in sports (volleyball) and arts (music and dance), I was happy. Upon finishing high school it was a time of conflicting decisions regarding what was next since I did not have the money to study the career I wanted at that time (medicine) and I also had to work since I did not have financial support from anyone. , so I decided to take a job as a teacher and studied at night. With what I worked I will pay for my studies and I helped with household expenses. My early adulthood was working studying going home and going to church on Sundays. I didn’t really enjoy things like going to parties and dancing, I was a homebody. Last year at my university (2017)I traveled with the class to an academic trip in Miami Florida which opened my vision since I liked it a lot and I thought that maybe I could adapt to living in a place like Florida. Over time after graduating I got very, very good jobs as a Educator . I enjoyed my work and the opportunity to share woth children and adolescents, even though it was challenging. I earned a lot of money, I was financially stable although I still continued to financially support my grandmother and also my mother since the father of her children left, leaving her with the children. Between 2013 and 2014 I lost my younger sister and my grandmother. My younger sister died in an accident when she was just 21 years old and my grandmother died due to health complications. This event devastated me and I began to feel that I no longer wanted to be there. At the end of 2019 I traveled to visit my friend in Los Angeles, California and during my stay I met a wonderful church with people of great faith who opened the doors of her heart to me and helped me a lot. I met my husband too. My husband was my first boyfriend and that new experience was very nice. My life changed completely, the cultural change was difficult, the language, living alone, doing work that I had never done in my life was difficult, but after a couple of years things improved. I got married I started studying the language I have the support of my husband’s family a wonderful spiritual community I became a mother and went back to school for my master’s degree. In my life I have gone through many stages, a childhood full of financial deprivation with emotional absence of parents but happy with the love of God from my grandmother and my sister and friends. faith in God and the opportunity to study in good schools please character in me of perseverance and believing in myself. My trip to the United States was the beginning of a new beginning full of hope and a lot of love in my future, I long to be an excellent therapist, mother, wife, server of Christ. Also continue leraning the language and maybe get a PhD.