Hello writer all editing is to be done on chapters 4 and 5 only please pay keen

Hello writer all editing is to be done on chapters 4 and 5 only please pay keen

Hello writer all editing is to be done on chapters 4 and 5 only please pay keen attention to the comments in the comments sections of the document. Please see additional remarks from my professor regarding this matter below.
PROFESSOR COMMENTS The process of analysis and the results gleaned from that process have to be noted in your writing. There is a gap right now in your Ch 4 and, as it stands, your themes are not really themes. So, my advice was to go back and pull codes (participant constructs or detail as noted by van Manen) from each interview question for Step 2 because each question relates to potential emerging themes. There may be constructs that merge across questions and that is the next step where you put your perspective into it, but only after you’ve clearly described the constructs based on participant responses. van Manen may use different words in describing the process but it still fits with other phenomenological processes. Because a clear process of analysis is not represented in your writing, you’re leaving it to the reader to do the heavy lifting of making sense of the data and coming up with their own themes. That’s a problem.