Here is the link of the assignment:

Here is the link of the assignment:

Here is the link of the assignment:… Please read carefully. I also need Turnitin report with it. Rubric Name: Case Connections Written Response (Unit 1 and Unit 3)
Not Evident
Criterion Score
Logic and Understanding: First Case
22.5 points
Student logic is correct with clear rationalizations and references of their responses. All other choices are refuted using appropriate logic.
19 points
Student logic is correct with clear rationalizations and references; some but not all choices are refuted.
15.75 points
Student attempts to synthesize thoughts, but logic is flawed; Additional choices are not refuted or poorly explained.
12 points
Student does not synthesize thoughts and only provides a correct answer or logic is flawed.
0 points
Score of Logic and Understanding: First Case,
/ 22.5
Accuracy: First Case
20 points
Student accurately describes and applies appropriate Biochemistry concepts/details including the relevant metabolic pathways, enzymes, hormones and regulation, as related to the course material.
17 points
Student accurately describes all concepts/details as related to the course material.
14 points
Student correctly describes most concepts, but one or two may be incorrect or insufficient.
11 points
Many concepts are incorrectly or insufficiently described.
0 points
Score of Accuracy: First Case,
/ 20
Logic and Understanding: Second Case
22.5 points
Student logic is correct with clear rationalizations and references of their responses. All other choices are refuted using appropriate logic.
19 points
Student logic is correct with clear rationalizations and references; some but not all choices are refuted.
15.75 points
Student attempts to synthesize thoughts, but logic is flawed; Additional choices are not refuted or poorly explained.
12 points
Student does not synthesize thoughts and only provides a correct answer or logic is flawed.
0 points
Score of Logic and Understanding: Second Case,
/ 22.5
Accuracy: Second Case
20 points
Student accurately describes and applies appropriate Biochemistry concepts/details including the relevant metabolic pathways, enzymes, hormones and regulation, as related to the course material.
17 points
Student accurately describes all concepts/details as related to the course material.
14 points
Most concepts are correctly described, but one or two may be incorrect or insufficient.
11 points
Many concepts are incorrectly or insufficiently described.
0 points
Score of Accuracy: Second Case,
/ 20
Quality of Writing
15 points
Ideas are well organized and writing is clear and free of mechanical errors. All sources are cited with in-text citations, a link to the article, and AMA format for each resource.
12.75 points
Writing is well organized with no sentence level errors that impede meaning; source material is properly cited using AMA conventions.
10.5 points
Writing is mostly clear with minimal organizational or sentence-level errors that impede meaning; source material is cited but with some errors in AMA style.
8.25 points
Writing is often unorganized and/or has significant sentence errors that impede communication; source material is inconsistently cited with significant errors in AMA style.
0 points
Score of Quality of Writing,
/ 15