Hi there, please make sure there is no plagiarism and it is 100% written in huma

Hi there, please make sure there is no plagiarism and it is 100% written in huma

Hi there, please make sure there is no plagiarism and it is 100% written in human form. All work must be original and unique. I will be submitting this through multiple AI plagiarism checkers so please be mindful of that. Thank you.
1. The following quotations describe the two main settings in the novel: the Spokane Indian Reservation and the town of Rearden. Read these quotations and think about the challenges Arnold faces in both settings. (page references are included if you want to look up these quotations in the novel.)
Setting 1: The Spokane Indian Reservation
“..there’s probably no place more isolated than my reservation, which is located approximately one million miles north of Important and two billion miles west of Happy.” P. 30
“I rode the bus to the end of the line, which was the reservation border. Three times I had to walk the whole way home. Twenty-two miles.” P. 87
“What kind of job can a reservation Indian boy get? I was too young to deal blackjack at the casino, there were only about fifteen green grass lawns on the reservation (and none of their owners outsourced the mowing jobs), and the only paper route was owned by a tribal elder named Wally.” P. 10
“…the tribe actually houses all of the teachers in one-bedroom cottages and musty, old trailer houses behind the school. You can’t teach at our school if you don’t live in the compound. It was like some kind of prison-work farm for liberal, white, vegetarian do-gooders and conservative, white missionary saviors.” pp. 29-30
“…I looked over at the Wellpinit Redskins, at Rowdy. I knew that two or three of those Indians might not have eaten breakfast that morning. No food in the house. I knew that seven or eight of those Indians lived with drunken mothers and fathers. I knew that one of those Indians had a father who dealt crack and meth. I knew two of those Indians had fathers in prison. I knew that not one of them was going to college. Not one of them.” P. 195
“The reservation is beautiful. There are pine trees everywhere. Thousands of Ponderosa Pine trees. Millions. I guess maybe you can take pine trees for granted. They’re just pine trees. But they’re tall and thin and green and brown and big. Some of the pines are ninety feet tall and more than three hundred years old. Older than the United States.” P. 219
It was July. Crazy hot and dry. It hadn’t rained in, like, sixty days. Drought hot. Scorpion hot. Vultures flying circles in the sky hot. ” P. 220
“We could see from one end of the reservation to the other. We could see our entire world. And our entire world at that moment, was green and golden and perfect.” P. 226
Setting 2: The town of Rearden
“Rearden is the rich, white farm town that sits in the wheat fields exactly twenty-two miles from the rez. And it’s a hick town, I suppose, filled with farmers and rednecks and racist cops who stop every Indian that drives through” P. 45
“Rearden has one of the best small schools in the state, with a computer room and huge chemistry lab and a drama club and two basketball gyms.” P. 46
“All of the guys on our team had their own cars. All of the guys on our team had iPods and cell phones and PSPs and three pairs of blue jeans and ten shirts and mothers and fathers who went to church and had good jobs”. P. 195
“So what was I doing in racist Rearden, where more than half of every graduating class went to college? Nobody in my family had ever gone near a college. Rearden was the opposite of the rez. It was the opposite of my family. It was the opposite of me. I didn’t deserve to be there. I knew it; all those kids knew it.” P. 56
“’Arnold,” she said to me one day after school, “I hate this little town. It’s so small, too small. Everything about it is small. The people here have small ideas. Small dreams. They all want to marry each other and live here forever.” P. 111
2. Now that you have read the quotations, complete the following steps:
On your own paper, create a Venn Diagram like the one shown below. On the left side of the organizer, list at least three challenges Arnold faces on the Spokane Indian Reservation.
On the right side of the organizer, list at least three challenges Arnold faces after he transfers to the high school in Rearden.
In the central part of the diagram (where the circles overlap) list at least one challenge Arnold faces in both settings.
3. Use the notes you have created in your Venn Diagram to write an opinion paragraph to answer the following question: Which setting was more challenging to Arnold: the Spokane Indian Reservation or the town of Rearden? Submit both a rough copy and final edit of your paragraph.