his week we discussed the foundations of cyber-warfare in the context of Islamic

his week we discussed the foundations of cyber-warfare in the context of Islamic

his week we discussed the foundations of cyber-warfare in the context of Islamic Jihadism. Some question which we might consider are:
Under what circumstances and under what procedures, safeguards, and oversights, should Intelligence and/or military entities conduct cyber attacks against adversary websites, such as jihadist websites? What kinds of cyber activities against these websites do you think would be most effective? How would you compare the cyber activities of Islamic extremists, who are non-state actors with those of state sponsored hackers such as those in Russia or China.
Continuing in this vein, how should the U.S. implement cyber counter-intelligence in general? Should we follow Russia and China or do we need to develop a different kind of framework? What should we be doing to shore up our infrastructure vulnerabilities? Our commercial and technical vulnerabilities? Is the U.S. Cyber-Command adequately equipped to take on these challenges?