Hot Topics Board #2– Open Adoptions – Hot Topics Group 3 From FAM 452 H0011111

Hot Topics Board #2– Open Adoptions – Hot Topics Group 3
From FAM 452 H0011111

Hot Topics Board #2– Open Adoptions – Hot Topics Group 3
From FAM 452 H0011111 unread replies.1111 replies.
As you read in chapter 6, the reasons that families choose to adopt a child are varied. There are several factors to consider, but the allowed amount of involvement from birth parents is one that adoptive parents often struggle with.
Today, the majority of adoptions are open or semi-open by default, which means there is a degree of involvement and disclosure of information between adoptive and birth parents regarding the adopted child. Each type of adoption (open, semi-open, closed) comes with its own list of “pros and cons” to consider, so adoptive parents need to know what they are signing up for.
To address the prompt for this discussion read the following articles: to an external site.
AND to an external site. to an external site.

After reading the provided articles and your textbook, look at the debate below and choose the side that you agree with most:
Yes or No: All adoptions should be open adoptions.
Your first post must be a minimum of 250 words and address each of the following:
Which side of the debate do you agree with most?
An explanation of why you agree with that side
You must refer back to at least one of the assigned readings
Your second post is a response to one of your classmates’ posts and must be a minimum of 100 words. Be sure it follows these guidelines:
The post must be more than “Cool story bro!” “I get it, my cousin’s partner’s barber is the same way.”
You should agree or disagree with their post (respectfully) and explain why you feel that way.
Your third, and last, post is a reflection on the opposite side of the debate and must be a minimum of 100 words. Include the following:
Explain your understanding of what the opposite side of the debate is based on.
Why do you think people might choose this side of the debate?
You must refer back to at least one of the assigned readings
***These topics are important and most of us either have personal experiences with them or feel strongly about at least one of them. Please remember to continue to be respectful of each other’s thoughts and opinions***