Human resources (HR) leaders often have the task of identifying effective ways t

Human resources (HR) leaders often have the task of identifying effective ways t

Human resources (HR) leaders often have the task of identifying effective ways to solicit feedback from new hires, existing employees, and other key partners within and outside the healthcare organization. This information can provide key metrics to help track the organization’s annual trends.
After developing an online survey and collecting responses, you will submit a paper explaining the survey results. You will include graphics as a means of conveying the information and then identify the foundational HR skills needed to address the results.
Create a 2- to 3-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) in a Word document for your response.
Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper. Include the survey as an appendix in your paper.
Step 1. Evaluate
Review the required readings and evaluate the impact of human resources (HR) within healthcare settings. Explore the foundational knowledge and skills inherent in human resources management in healthcare settings.
Step 2. Review
Review the website, “What Human Resource Managers Do,” on the Learning Objects page.
Step 3. Research
Research various methods to create an online, user-friendly survey. (Examples: Survey Monkey, Survey Hero)
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Step 4. Develop
Develop 10 survey questions seeking employee feedback related to hiring (onboarding processes), benefits, compensation, parking, and information technology (IT) services.
Create questions you would like to see in a survey from a past, current, or future employer. Carefully word questions to consider cross-cultural communication.
Invite 3-5 participants to complete the survey. Let participants know the survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.
Step 5. Compile and Submit
Once you have received the results, complete and submit a 2- to 3-page analysis paper addressing the following:
What were the results of the survey? Include graphics to display the survey results.
How can an HR professional address the results of the survey?
Include the survey as an appendix in your paper.