(“I am a day late on Part One of the assignment. This is a three-part assignment

(“I am a day late on Part One of the assignment. This is a three-part assignment

(“I am a day late on Part One of the assignment. This is a three-part assignment, which I would like you to complete them all, but Parts Two and Three are due on the 25th of February by 11:59 PM. I am currently late on Part One, which is due tonight at 11:59 PM, so I need it back within the next 24 hours. Please let me know if you need anything else!”
StockTrak Investment Simulation Assignment
Assignment Instructions:
This assignment will give you hands-on experience in stock market trading without investing real money out of your pocket. It helps you understand various investment theories in ch 7, 10, 11, 13, and 14 with the real-world stock market and your portfolio investment strategies.
Please find the following instructions for the StockTrak investment simulation game.
Stock Simulation Game Rules:
With one million dollar game money, you need to buy ten different stocks or more to make your portfolio by 11:59 pm, Thursday, Feb. 22. Your portfolio must have at least one stock from each industry. Ten different industries are Energy, Materials, Industrials, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Health Care, Financials, Information Technology, Telecommunication Services, and Utilities. For more descriiptions of these industry classifications, please visit https://www.msci.com/gics.
Your 10% stock investment grade has two parts. This portfolio is the first 5%, and the stock investment activity report is the remaining 5%. Your return at the end of the semester could affect your 5% grade on your stock portfolio. If needed, you can check your portfolio during the semester to buy and sell some of your stocks.
You can play the game starting today as soon as you register. The assignment will end at 11:59 pm, Thursday, Feb. 22, with your submission of the stock investment activity report. You must submit your stock investment activity report to get the remaining 5% stock simulation assignment grade. I will post the detailed instructions to write your investment activity report soon on the Blackboard. You must register and start playing the game using the following instructions.
(PART2 Registration Instructions:
You need to go to the following link to access the registration menu by copying and pasting it into your browser’s search window.
Create your account with your user name, password, brief bio, etc
Read the attached getting started instruction pdf file before you start. You need to skip a couple of pages, including the $31.95 fee, and begin to read right from “Getting Started” on page 3. The instruction file is intended for general registration. The investment simulation service should be available to you without any additional fee. For more instructions and help, you can always use the pull-down menu from the StockTrak homepage by clicking the “Learning” menu. Tutorial videos and other helpful information are available there.
Check out the “StockTrak Student User Guide” to get familiarized with StockTrak before trading begins: https://content.stocktrak.com/stocktrak-student-user-guide/.
You’re ready to have some fun with the stock market simulation game!
Please let me know anytime if you have further questions about the assignment.
Submission Instructions:
The stock assignment (10%) has two parts.
You need to create the StockTrak investment portfolio (5%).
You have to submit the activity report (5%) based on your portfolio.
You don’t need to submit your StockTrak investment portfolio to Blackboard.
You only need to keep them in your StockTrak account until the end of the semester, on Feb. 25, to get your credit.
I will review and grade your portfolio from my master account.
You will find a separate assignment link to submit the investment activity report (the remaining 5%).
PART 3Activity Report for Your Investment
Assignment Instructions:
StockTrak investment assignment is 10% of your 100% total grade. Your investment portfolio with the StockTrak account is 5% of this 10% grade. The remaining 5% is based on your activity report. You need to add your trading notes when you buy or sell any stock for your portfolio in the StockTrak account. These notes would be very helpful for you in writing the activity report.
In your activity report for the stock investment, you need to include
An overview of your portfolio investment history from your StockTrak portfolio.
List of stocks you purchased and their returns
Reasons or methods of selecting each stock in your portfolio (the most important part)
Things needed to be improved
Final thoughts
And anything else if you want to add.
You can use any standard format document to write a report. You have to upload it before 11:59 pm, Sunday, Feb. 25.
Submission Instructions:
Save the file as “Youname_ABC_Assignment”
While inside the submission area click the “Browse My Computer” button below to upload your assignment as an attachment.
Once attached, click the “Submit” button.