I have a 6-page double spaced paper due very soon and I have attached the text a

I have a 6-page double spaced paper due very soon and I have attached the text as well for the Yellow Paper as well so be sure to use it as text evidence in your essay.
The essay will be 6 pages double spaced and in (Size 12) Times New Roman. Be sure to give a reference at the end like MLA and be sure to use text evidence in your essay. The prompt is given below.
Double Spaced + Size 12 (Times New Roman)
Write a 6 page double-spaced (approximately 2,100 words) paper and it should involve close reading and interpretation of a recurring pattern, literary device, or cultural/historical aspect of the assigned reading. The focus should be on developing an argument about the significance of the chosen aspect in understanding the text more broadly.
In Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper,” the wallpaper evolves from a mundane decorative element to a symbol of the narrator’s psychological turmoil and confinement. Analyze how the wallpaper’s transformation reflects the narrator’s mental state and explore the broader implications regarding freedom and confinement. How does Gilman use this symbol to comment on the societal roles and treatment of women, particularly concerning mental health?
This is the rubric below:
Paper Rubric
1. Argument Development (30%)
Exemplary: Presents a clear, well-developed argument or thesis that is insightful and original. The argument is logically structured and supported throughout the paper, with all claims well-justified and building effectively toward a compelling conclusion.
Proficient: Presents a clear argument or thesis that is well-structured and supported, though it may lack some originality or depth. The argument is generally coherent, with most claims well-supported.
Developing: Presents an argument or thesis, but it may be unclear, underdeveloped, or lack coherence. The argument may be difficult to follow, with some claims unsupported or poorly justified.
Needs Improvement: Lacks a clear argument or thesis. The argument is poorly developed, unclear, or missing altogether, making the paper difficult to follow.
2. Textual Evidence and Analysis (30%)
Exemplary: Provides insightful analysis with well-chosen textual evidence. Evidence is integrated seamlessly into the argument, directly supporting the thesis and enhancing the overall analysis.
Proficient: Offers solid analysis with appropriate textual evidence. Some connections between evidence and argument may need strengthening.
Developing: Provides some analysis with textual evidence, but the connections may be unclear or underdeveloped.
Needs Improvement: Lacks sufficient analysis or relevant textual evidence. Connections to the argument are unclear or missing.
3. Engagement with Historical/Cultural Context (20%)
Exemplary: Thoughtfully incorporates historical or cultural context that enhances the analysis. The context is well-integrated and contributes to a deeper understanding of the text.
Proficient: Includes relevant historical or cultural context, though integration into the analysis may need some improvement.
Developing: Mentions historical or cultural context, but connections to the analysis are weak or unclear.
Needs Improvement: Little to no historical or cultural context is provided. Any context mentioned does not contribute meaningfully to the analysis.
4. Clarity, Organization, and Structure (20%)
Exemplary: Writing is clear, well-organized, and logically structured. The argument is easy to follow with strong transitions, and the overall structure enhances the paper’s effectiveness.
Proficient: Writing is generally clear and organized, though there may be minor issues with flow or structure. The paper is coherent and mostly easy to follow.
Developing: Writing may be unclear or disorganized in places, making the argument harder to follow. Transitions may be weak, leading to a less coherent structure.
Needs Improvement: Writing is unclear and poorly organized, making the argument difficult to follow. The structure is ineffective in conveying the main ideas.