I hope you can access this link for the material the assignment says is needed.

I hope you can access this link for the material the assignment says is needed.

I hope you can access this link for the material the assignment says is needed. If you can’t, please let me know so I can give you login info to see if that helps
LINK FOR READING MATERIAL https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781119702917/epubcfi/6/16[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3DAc03]!/4/2/16[c03-sec-0027]/18[c03-sec-0029]/6[c03-fig-0013]/2%4051:6
In the resources of this module, you read about the implementation of ERP systems and how that implementation enabled different departments of the organization to share data to interact more effectively with each other. For this discussion, you are going to explore the benefits of an ERP from a different perspective. You will consider how systems functioned prior to the implementation of an ERP and the issues that arose from the lack of integration.
In your initial post, address the following:
How were enterprise functional areas integrated before ERPs?
What were some of the issues that arose from the lack of integration?
Did the sales department talk to the marketing department?
Did marketing talk to manufacturing?
What is the impact of each department having its own system and database?