I made the attached presentation and my instructor provided me with the below co

I made the attached presentation and my instructor provided me with the below co

I made the attached presentation and my instructor provided me with the below comments, appreciate your support in revising it and improve it as applicable:
this reads like a advertisement for supply chain finance without making clear what supply chain finance is. From you slides I could not be 100% sure of the difference between trade finance and supply chain finance, so I went to Wikipedia
Supply chain finance – Wikipedia
This gave me some explanation – may not be the right one. It also told me that supply chain finance is small, but growing
Slide 3: The words are fine, but the image on the top introduces too many distractions (these are benefits for which you have a separate slide)
Slide 4: ask yourself if you can explain this in 30-45 seconds (there are a lot of flows to describe). So simply show this slide but not linger
The distinction with standard trade finance (which you have on slide 8) should come sooner. From your slides, I cannot make out the difference. The Wikipedia pages tells me that the crucial difference may be between who, buyer or seller, initiates the transaction: factoring vs reverse factoring,
Slide 5. Merge ideas. Say 1 and 4 can be combined to say: fosters long-term relatiionships with large buyers and new industries. And 2 and 3 can be combine to say: provide stable and low-risk revenue because of increased access to data
Slide 6: too many words (this is what I meant by sounds like an advertisment). Give me the one primary benefit in 7 to 10 words
Slide 7: same – give us one to two major benefits, not 5 (which are all more or less the same) – “suppliers get the money early”
Slide 9 (which should be earlier) should tell me the one difference with trade finance. No examples needed.
Slide 10 is not clear to me. I can see a list of Third Partly platforms and a list of banks. Where do SCF platforms sit relative to these? Somewhere in between?
Slide 11: The heading should make clear what the risk comparison is.
So eg “Comparing SCG risks with risks in traditional lending. But perahps the comparison is not necessary. Just say that SCF has its own challenges with risk – colllusion between buyers and sellers, technological and operational risk, and monopoly power if there are too few platforms.
Slide 11: if you do the previosu slide carefully (comparing risks), you can delete Slide 12. Too many words you will not time even to speak ou, let alone explain
Slide 12 and 13 are good, but please can you make it few words. Lose 50%