I need you to explore a genre of artistic practice you can choose (music, dance,

I need you to explore a genre of artistic practice you can choose (music, dance,

I need you to explore a genre of artistic practice you can choose (music, dance, painting, cinema, theater, or poetry) in its relationship to a revolutionary social movement in the Algerian Revolution. Here is what I want the essay to have;
So first need you to outline your understanding of Tunisia and the Jasmine Revolution case study, drawing on the 2 readings “Emel Mathlouthi: Voice Of The Tunisian Revolution” and “Music of Dissent and Revolution.Middle East Critique by Kerim Bouzouita”
Then analyze one artistic genre or artist as it applies to the case study, giving concrete examples.
Lastly, I want you to demonstrate how the artistic genre or artist contributed to the social movement in your case study.
Make sure that you draw on social movement theory as well where relevant. When applying the theory to the case study, provide a coherent analysis of your argument. Pay attention to the syntax and overall writing style, punctuation, grammar, in the essay.
When writing the essay start with how a genre of artistic practice chose one (music, dance, painting, cinema, theater, or poetry) has been a tool to strat revolutions and then dive into what I have requested above.
For citation and in text citation use MLA format, make sure that you write the page of where you found the information from if the page is available.
For the readings:
“Emel Mathlouthi: Voice of The Tunisian Revolution” NPR Music. online at: http://www.npr.org/2013/01/05/168627909/emel-mathlouthi-voiceof-the- tunisian- revolution
Kerim Bouzouita. 2013.“Music of Dissent and Revolution.”Middle East Critique (I have attached this in the attachments in Sources to be used)
Other than those if you can find online about 2 readings that talks about social movement theory and the role of art in it it will be perfect
Comments from Customer
I made a small mistake in the description/instruction about the paper. So its all about the Tunisian Revolution ” jasmine revolution” not the Algerian revolution. No need to add any documents as the document I added is about Tunisia, but the oversight I forgot to change Algeria in the instruction to Tunisia. So the essay is all about Tunisia and the role of music in the jasmine revolution.