I want you write this papere for the proposel and writ this points 1- Introducti

I want you write this papere for the proposel and writ this points
1- Introducti

I want you write this papere for the proposel and writ this points
1- Introduction
*Layered double hydroxides (put figure and writ under the figurs the name )
*Structure of layered double hydroxides
*Strategies to functionalize LDHs
* Intercalation
*Surface modification
*Size and morphology control
*Regulation of layer composition
2-Different Synthesizing Methods of Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs) (put some synthesizing mothodes and wirt some explanation for each mothod ) if there Figures also put and writ under the figurs the names ( https://comptes-rendus.academie-sciences.fr/chimie/articles/10.5802/crchim.249/#body-html-1)
*Different Literature review ( sucah as As Biomaterials, As flame ,…………….others)
3. Objectives
4. Research methodology and procedures
5. Importance of research
6. Apparatus needed
7. References
(the refernces write the list numbers then the aouthers for example:
1. Wan, J., et al., Tuning two-dimensional nanomaterials by intercalation: materials, properties and applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 2016. 45(24): p. 6742-6765.
***Very important notes
While writing the proposal, any citation must be written and the reference number must be included