I would like to create a bundle deal please for Lifespan Psychology which is a

I would like to create a bundle deal please for Lifespan Psychology which is a

I would like to create a bundle deal please for Lifespan Psychology which is a Masters level course and each are 16 pages . I would like to work with Kristine.255 again
I don′t have access to the syllabus yet but will upload those or give Kristine the portal log in code when class opens to get that information
​I don′t have much information other than the course is called Life span Psychology. I have been getting help from Kristine.255 and want to hire her again
each course contains 16 pages so far and expiration date would be 2 months from now
I don′t have access to the syllabuses yet but want to go ahead and get things assigned and set up and if we need to adjust we can accordingly
Kristine has my portal log in so if we want to combine we can
The class starts May 2nd 2024 and for now we will say it will last for 2 months most of the courses are 8 weeks each
if we need to extend the deadline later we can but I′d say 8 weeks out for each
doesn′t have an end date yet