Imagine that you are attempting to gather information on how a particular policy

Imagine that you are attempting to gather information on how a particular policy

Imagine that you are attempting to gather information on how a particular policy decision impacts HSOs similar to your own. You have searched for literature through professional associations, scholarly journals, and white papers, and some of the information found in these sources is contradictory. How do you, and a practitioner-scholar, determine which sources to use? Critical appraisal tools help researchers rank the strength of sources by analyzing the type of source, methods used, sampling techniques, analysis methods, and other factors that could impact the validity. To prepare: • Review the sources that you selected for the Discussion. • Review the steps in the DHA Critical Appraisal Process document. The Assignment: DHA Literature Review Matrix and Critical Appraisal Forms This Assignment has two parts, Part 1: DHA Literature Review Matrix and Part 2: Three Critical Appraisal Forms. Complete each part of the Assignment as described below: Part 1: DHA Literature Review Matrix Complete the DHA Literature Review Matrix using the three (3) sources you selected in the Discussion. Follow Steps 1–5 of Diagram 1 in the DHA Critical Appraisal Process document for each of the three (3) sources when completing the DHA Literature Review Matrix. Part 2: Three Critical Appraisal Forms Note: This is Step 6 of Diagram 1 in the DHA Critical Appraisal Process document. For each of the three (3) sources you selected, complete the appropriate appraisal form (either Appendix E or Appendix F) up to—and including—the quality rating. The appraisal forms require that the appraiser only complete the correct section of the form based on the level and type of evidence being reviewed. Only complete the correct section of each form that aligns with the type of evidence being reviewed. Note: You will not complete the DHA Appraisal Results Log in Step 6 since you are only appraising three (3) sources in this Assignment. Submit your DHA Literature Review Matrix and the three (3) accompanying appraisal tools to complete this Assignment.