In 500 words not less and in APA format essay, Allport’s The Individual and his

In 500 words not less and in APA format essay, Allport’s The Individual and his

In 500 words not less and in APA format essay, Allport’s The Individual and his Religion, & Issac Asimov’s introduction to secular humanism, please tell me the salient features of humanistic psychology of religion that made an impression on you. Be sure to use APA reference style to cite where your thoughts were learned.
500 word minimum of main text (not including name or reference page). Using APA reference style. reference the videos and the book I will provide. chapter 5 and 6 are provided below and a pdf with ISSAC Asimov’s intro to secular humanism videos. please Do not forget to reference Allport’s book and Issac Asimov’s videos. Also Use based evidence from the book and videos to support your answer and put (last name, year) beside the sentence.