In a 1-2 page policy memo, drawing on the readings and lecture, address issues

 In a 1-2 page policy memo, drawing on the readings and lecture, address issues

 In a 1-2 page policy memo, drawing on the readings and lecture, address issues of policy definition based on the case study: “Starbucks: Opposing a Local Tax to Address Homelessness while Promoting Social Justice.”  Be sure to address the following questions but remember this is a policy memo, so do not list the questions followed by an answer. What problem was to be addressed by the city council action?  How was this defined and what was proposed?  What actions did the city council vote/action spark?  Why and what was the basis for the response?  Was it expected? What other relevant points should be included related to this problem, the action taken, and the two subsequent actions that followed.  
You should consider that you are on the staff of one of the city council members that has asked for a memo on these events to help better understand what could have been done better.
 In a 1-2 page policy memo, drawing on the readings and lecture, as a member of a congressional staff, you have been asked to address issues of policy definition based on the case study: “Facebook Faces the Regulators.”  What is the public problem or public problems at issue here?  How should/could these issues be defined?  How would the political environment be characterized and how does it impact the myriad public problems associated with this case.  Provided any other necessary context that would provide a detailed understanding of the case.