In class, we looked at exemplary leadership practices and leadership through an

In class, we looked at exemplary leadership practices and leadership through an

In class, we looked at exemplary leadership practices and leadership through an anti-racist and anti-oppressive lens. The task is to complete the following:
Part 1. Write a Tribute to Yourself (you determine the length of your tribute)
Imagine that tonight you’ll be honored as Leader of the Year. Hundreds of people will gather to pay tribute to your contributions to your family, your colleagues, your organization, or your community.
What words or phrases would you most like to hear others say about you? How would you like to be remembered tonight?
Remember – the greater the clarity of, belief in, and passion for our personal standards of excellence, the greater the probability we’ll act in concert with them.
Part 2. Reflect on the following in 300-400 words:
Take some time to identify the values expressed in your tribute and reflect on their importance.
Discuss how these values relate to the the values of leadership we discussed in class.
How do we make sure we lead from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive stance?
A written Tribute to Yourself
A written reflection based upon prompts above in 300-400 words