In normal times, this week we would have presentations about different media sou

In normal times, this week we would have presentations about different media sou

In normal times, this week we would have presentations about different media sources so that you can see the different biases and portrayals of the same news stories. To address this, I am asking you to write a paper about 4 different media sources and how they tackle two different news stories. You do not have a reading journal this week anyway, so this paper will substitute the media presentation grade in your syllabus (worth 100 points). The required formatting (in terms of font size, margins, footnotes, etc.) is the same as the newspaper article assignments, but the purpose of this paper is different.
You are to pick two major news stories from THIS WEEK, and see how four different news sources cover each of them (you can pick four different news sources for each of the events). Discuss the similarities in how they are reported, differences, perceived biases, etc. The purpose of this week’s readings, videos, and assignments is to demonstrate how the same exact news event can be portrayed so differently. Your paper should be at least 5-7 pages long, organized, and cited properly. (APA format)
Formatting Guidelines for ALL written assignments:
• Be specific. I want you to really think about your assignments and your responses to them and how they fit into our
overall course.
• Avoid replacing arguments with examples. Use examples to illustrate a general claim, not as a replacement for them.
Examples by themselves tend toward selection bias and hasty generalizations.
• I am interested in content, not clever rhetorical flourish. Thus, avoid filler material…
• PROOFREAD YOUR WORK. You will be marked off for typos, punctuation errors, and/or major disorganization.
• The heading of your paper should be your name ONLY (no date, title, etc.)
• 12-point Times New Roman font
• Double-spaced
• 1-inch margins all around