In this activity, you will practice creating a research question using one of th

In this activity, you will practice creating a research question using one of th

In this activity, you will practice creating a research question using one of the flowcharts provided (or one you create yourself). You only need to complete one flowchart, but you may wish to practice completing each type to see if one is more helpful to you than another. Be sure you include each of the areas of importance below in your flowchart. (Note: you may choose any of the labels from each set below.)
1. Narrowed topic / Topic / What is your topic?
2. Questioning / Problem / What is the problem you want to address?
3. Hypothesis / Wondering / What do you want to know?
4. Research Question
Use one of the flowchart templates provided or create one of your own.
Include each of the areas of importance.
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Complete at least one flowchart.
Address each of the areas of importance.