In this essay, write a minimum of 800 words responding to the following prompt:

In this essay, write a minimum of 800 words responding to the following prompt:

In this essay, write a minimum of 800 words responding to the following prompt: “What are some of the best potentials and the worst limitations of the Americans with Disabilities Act?” Your response should incorporate and cite Felix Wu et al, and the ADA Title II Part A.
Formatting, Citations and Submission:
For written assignments, please use double-spacing, 12-point font, and insert page numbers. When citing materials, you may use any academic citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, ASA), as long as you use it consistently, and cite all materials you use. You may either use in-text citation with a bibliography, or you may use footnotes or endnotes instead. Uploads may be in PDF or Word only. Bruin Learn will not open documents uploaded in Pages, or other alternate word processing software.
Grammar and writing skill are not part of the grading criterion, although proofreading is strongly recommended.
There is no grade penalty for exceeding the minimum word count, but there is a grade penalty for writing less than the minimum specified in the assignment.