In what ways do Sikhs view their tradition as inherently egalitarian in terms of

In what ways do Sikhs view their tradition as inherently egalitarian in terms of

In what ways do Sikhs view their tradition as inherently egalitarian in terms of gender and caste? How do Sikh ideas of gender roles for women compare to ideas of gender roles for women in Buddhism and Jainism? Make specific references to your readings
Discussion responses and participation will be scored as a mark out of ten, according to the
following rubric:
A = 8 to 10 Response and participation demonstrate critical thought or reflection on the
discussion question, clear interaction with assigned course material including
citations, and strong evidence of proofreading;
B = 7 to 8 Response and participation demonstrate critical thought or reflection on the
discussion question, clear interaction with assigned material and includes
citations, but contains some spelling and grammar error
C = 6 to 7 Response and participation contain some reflection on the discussion question
but makes little use of assigned course materials and citations are incomplete.
D = 5 to 6 Response and participation display very minor engagement with discussion
questions and assigned course material without proper attention to spelling
and grammar, and citations are incomplete.
F= 0 No submissions, no citations, and/or no participation