In your readings this week, The SAGE Handbook of International Social Work, the

In your readings this week, The SAGE Handbook of International Social Work, the

In your readings this week, The SAGE Handbook of International Social Work, the authors suggest the particular professional roles and activities social workers can undertake in instances of human rights violations are empowerment, advocacy, capability training (resources and education), and public consciousness-raising (p. 82).
In your experience as a social worker, you have been called to empower, advocate, provide resources and education, and raise public consciousness for others or over an issue or a concern.
What is a current human rights issue that you would like to address? Discuss how you would empower, advocate, increase capability, and raise public consciousness about this issue, What theory or theories would you use to guide you?
Support your ideas with properly cited references from scholarly resources, which may include your text.