PSCI 2305 U.S. Government Course Project Writing Analysis 1. Chose a minority g

PSCI 2305 U.S. Government
Course Project
Writing Analysis
1. Chose a minority g

PSCI 2305 U.S. Government
Course Project
Writing Analysis
1. Chose a minority group of Americans from the list below to analyze:
Minority Groups:
Americans with Disabilities
Asian Americans
Black/African Americans
Indigenous (Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Hawaiian Natives)
Latino (Latinx)/Hispanic Americans
Religious Minorities

2. Your project is to analyze the historic and modern day struggle(s) that this group faces in terms of civil liberties and civil rights. Identify correlations between your chosen group’s struggle for civil rights and analyze how this struggle applies to any topic(s) we’ve covered in the course (the learning objectives). Consider and discuss at least one Supreme Court case that positively impacted and/or upheld the rights of your chosen group and how this ruling changed, redefined, or challenged the topics or concepts we have covered.
Discuss this group’s historic struggle
Address any current or modern day challenges they face
Cite at least one Supreme Court case that impacts/impacted this group
Analyze how this group ties into our learning objectives
3. Think critically and apply what you’ve learned to your analysis. Remember, this is NOT an essay or summary over what has happened to this group (a little history for context is fine, but this should not be the bulk of your paper). It is an analysis of why and how your chosen group has fought and perhaps continues to fight for equality and how the U.S. government upholds their rights or fails to protect them.
4. You need to utilize a narrative which includes supporting evidence from your cited sources.
5. See the requirements below.

Analysis Requirements
Cover page: Includes Your name; GOVT 2305; CWID; Term (Spring I 2024) ; Instructor
Times New Roman 12-point font
Double spaced
This must be in WORD or PDF format.
Introduction paragraph briefly outlining what you are going to be analyzing (not included in 1,200 word count minimum)
Conclusion paragraph briefly reiterating what you analyzed and provided supporting evidence of (not included in 1,200 word count minimum)
Utilize proper in text parenthetical citations and a compiled work cited page using MLA, Chicago, or APA format style. For help and reference, this is a great site:
Page numbers
Minimum word count 1,200 words (does not include introduction/conclusion paragraphs)
Utilize a minimum of 6 legitimate sources: In general a thorough analysis/case study would have 8-10 sources.
Library of Congress
TAMUC library databases such as
Academic Search Complete


Best websites include .edu/.org/.gov
Your paper MUST utilize both in text parenthetical citations and have a compiled work cited page.