Instructions: The memo below has numerous errors. This assignment has three part

Instructions: The memo below has numerous errors. This assignment has three part

Instructions: The memo below has numerous errors. This assignment has three parts:
identifying errors, making changes, and finalizing a clean copy.
Part 1: Use Microsoft Word’s “Comments” feature to flag and explain the errors.
FOR: All Employee
FROM: Carole Weatherford, CEO
DATE: Febuary 9, 2020
RE: Police for Collaborating on Documents
Teamwork & collaboration is core values @ XYZ Corporation. Some times, teams even
collaborate on writing projects. This includes reports, proposals, and other business documents.
A single document may require imput from several team members.
In such cases, its important to use Microsoft Word’s “Review” function. On the “Review” tab,
the “Editor” feature checks spelling and grammar and suggests revision. Similarly, the
“Comments” and “Track Changes” futures allows team members to offer feed back and to keep
track of revisions. When the document is ready to be finalized, track changes and commence
should be remove.
To learn more, consult this tutorials:
 Track changes and show markup in Microsoft Word video
 Insert or delete a comment web page
 Check spelling, grammar and clarity in Microsoft Word video
 Removing Track Changes & Comments in Microsoft Word video
Thank u for being a team player.
Part 2: Copy the memo with your comments and paste it below. Turn on track changes and
proceed to revise the document.
Part 3: Copy the memo with any remaining comments and your changes. Paste the memo
below. Create a clean copy to finalize the memo.