Instructions “Side Note” Im a full online student Week 14: Course Wrap-up and Se

“Side Note” Im a full online student
Week 14: Course Wrap-up and Se

“Side Note” Im a full online student
Week 14: Course Wrap-up and Self-Assessment
YOU’RE ALMOST THERE! You’ve made it through the last 13 weeks. Maybe you exceeded your own expectations, or maybe it was a rougher road than you thought. Either way, now is the time to reflect on what went well and what could have gone better. Remember that reflection encourages you to take charge of your own learning and helps you to develop critical thinking skills by analyzing your experience. That will help you improve your future performance. After all, college is what YOU make of it.
And taking 45 minutes to write this reflection might also help to ground you and give you the motivation to get through your final exams next week.
Set a timer for 45 minutes and open a new Word document. Write, without stopping, for 45 minutes on what went well this semester and what didn’t. You should focus mostly on this class, but you can include other courses if you want. In what ways did your writing change this semester? Do you feel that the regular practice each week helped you? What writing challenges do you still need to overcome, and what tools can you use to help you? What are you most proud of accomplishing this semester in this class, and what weakness do you still need to work on?
After you’ve written for 45 minutes, take at least a 15 minute break (or better yet, take a day or two!) and then come back to the assessment essay. Proofread for correctness and clarity.
Details and some materials.
I started my online class slowly, missing Week 1: Diagnostic Essay, Week 2: Prewriting, and Week 3: Evaluating Good Writing due to a family business emergency, and I needed to travel for a few weeks, so I wasn’t focused. But once I got back home to Atlanta, I was able to focus and start my assignments. One of my favorite essays was Week 7: Write your Own Scholarship Essay! I’m thankful for my professor because she knew I could complete the assignments, so she pushed me to become the best version of myself. I’m in the green, which is consider passing.
Getting Past a Tough Math Class ESSAY
In my time at school, I found the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) math class challenging. At first, QR felt like a locked door I couldn’t open; with complex problems, I couldn’t get it. This issue was a big deal, shaking my confidence and affecting my grades.
The challenge was more than just understanding and using math in real life. I wasn’t alone in this struggle, but I had to find a way to get through it. I realized the usual way of studying needed to be fixed for me. So, I looked for new ways to learn. I pinpointed what I found hard and looked up resources like online lessons, study groups, and practice activities.
An essential move was making QR part of my everyday life. I started using math to figure out things like chances and amounts in daily situations. This helped make the tough stuff more straightforward to understand. I also asked for tips from teachers and classmates, which helped me improve at solving problems.
Getting over this hurdle did more than help me with QR. It taught me to keep trying, change how I learn to suit myself better, and face complex problems bravely. These lessons are precious in school and in facing new challenges.