Introduce a current topic that is significant to you, here in San Diego. Provide

Introduce a current topic that is significant to you, here in San Diego.

Introduce a current topic that is significant to you, here in San Diego.
Provide context on your topic and clearly explain a reasonable, commonly accepted claim that has been made regarding this modern issue. Use key terms such as claim, warrant, and support/evidence from the Toulmin argument format in your explanation. Be sure to provide relevant contextual evidence in support of the claim.
Label the Toulmin Argument parts (claim, warrant, and support/evidence)
Briefly provide relevant contextual support that proves that this is a San Diego issue.
After you have clearly established the validity of your initial claim, convince your audience that it is incorrect. Utilize any means of persuasion that will radically change the perspective of your audience.
Address the problems of the opposing side and explain how your new perspective helps to fix them.
Use persuasive technique and additional contextual support to prove your opposing perspective.
A common strategy of a Rogerian Argument is to make the opposition feel as though they would benefit by adopting your new counter-claim rather than flat out rejecting their point of view. In order to convince your opposition you often have to persuade them in a way that does not necessarily invalidate their ideas. You catch more flies with honey. The ultimate goal of this essay is to successfully change the mind of a San Diego reader who fully supports the initial argument about something going on in San Diego that you are refuting.

Essay must be MLA formatted including in-text citations and a works cited page
Use at least 2 sources from 2023 or later
2 Pages, typed double-spaced
Your chosen argument issue must be San Diego-based or at least San Deigo related