Assignment Task
In assignment 1 you will be programming a basic game that features a playable character of your choice and some simple mechanics such as movement and collision detection. Please read this specification thoroughly. Please also refer to the provided marking rubric for the weighting of each feature. For full marks you need to implement all the following features correctly. You should submit just one program with as many of the features as you can get done Specifications
The canvas should be a square that is 700 pixels in width and 700 pixels in height.
Character Design
You will need to come up with a design for your playable character. For full marks your character must be a complex shape drawn using at least 3 simple shapes. You must also use at least 2 different types of simple shapes. For example, a character that is drawn using 2 rectangles and a line OR a character drawn using two triangles and a circle would both suffice. The character’s overall dimensions should be approx. 70 pixels in width and 70 pixels in height. The character should appear randomly on the screen starting from the very left. The entire character must appear on the screen when the game begins.
Home Design
You will need to come up with a design for your character’s home. For full marks your character’s home must be a complex shape drawn using at least 3 simple shapes. You must also use at least 2 different types of simple shapes. For example, a character’s home that is drawn using 2 rectangles and a line OR a character’s home drawn using two triangles and a circle would both suffice. The character’s home’s overall dimensions should be approx. 70 pixels in width and 70 pixels in height. The character’s home must be in level with the character on the very right and the home doesn’t move.
Obstacle Design
You will need an obstacle like a wall present on the canvas. The position of the obstacle should be randomly generated on the right half side of the canvas but must not overlap the home. This means that each time the program is run the obstacle will appear in different positions, but on the right half side. You are free to design the obstacles however you like, but the only requirement is they have to be rectangular.
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