Introduction: “Bonilla-Silva (2013) presents the notion of color-blind racism, a

“Bonilla-Silva (2013) presents the notion of color-blind racism, a

“Bonilla-Silva (2013) presents the notion of color-blind racism, a racial ideology that explains contemporary racial inequality as the outcome of nonracial dynamics, such as market dynamics, naturally occurring phenomena, or cultural differences. This racial ideology ignores or marginalizes people of color’s distinctive needs, experiences, and identities. Bonilla-Silva argues that although race is a social construction,, the idea of race is real in a social sense and has produced a racial structure that systematically privileges White people.”
Discuss the following questions 1-3
Identify 1 example of color-blind racism you notice in the media (the news, criminal justice themes television shows, music lyrics all provide potential locations to observe this ideology, but you can use personal experiences as well).
Identify which of Bonilla-Silva’s the frame(s) (abstract liberalism, naturalization, cultural racism, or minimization of racism) describes your example best. Use as many as are necessary to make your point.
Identify and describe what rhetorical strategy or strategies were employed in your example? :