Introduction The “Thinking Critically about Careers” project is designed to enga

The “Thinking Critically about Careers” project is designed to enga

The “Thinking Critically about Careers” project is designed to engage in research using respected sources to learn about aspects of careers you are interested in. It is important as you work through your college education to have an idea of a potential career path you might be interested in exploring. In this project, we are asking you to learn about careers in Information Technology. Information Technology is the backbone of every industry. Your knowledge of what is done in these careers will proven beneficial to your own career. This is a fun and informative project that uses your research skills. You will research and explore potential career paths in Information Technology and report on two that interest you. The goals of this assignment are to help you:
become more knowledgeable about career opportunities in Information Technology.
further develop your critical thinking skills;
become more adept at synthesizing information and developing informed views.
to utilize web-based resources to research your chosen career paths and to document in-
text sources and utilize an annotated bibliography.
compose a well-organized, clear, concise, research paper to gain knowledge on the career
options in IT.
demonstrate the ability to determine the nature and extent of the information needed.
demonstrate the ability to identify and evaluate the information for credibility, currency,
reliability, validity, accuracy, usefulness, relevance, and biases. (Using the CRAAP
demonstrate the use of formatting for research papers using the APA style guide.
demonstrate the ability to distinguish between assumption and fact.
demonstrate the ability to incorporate information literacy skills into one’s own
knowledge base and work.
Thinking Critically about Careers Research Paper: Getting Started
Review the Library Guide in the Learning Activities section of this Module. This guide includes: Research recommendations and sources
How to determine if your source is reliable
APA Style Guide
Start researching careers in Information Technology that interest you. As you are researching, narrow down your selection to the two you are most interested in. Those are the two you will include in your paper. Career Questions to answer in your paper
Job Title
Job Description
This includes a description of the career itself, skills or tasks that one performs in this career, and any additional information that you feel is relevant to this area
Education and/or Training RequirementsWhat level of schooling is necessary?
Are there any tests or examinations that are necessary?
Are certifications required?
Is a license required?
SalaryWhat is the annual salary or hourly rate?
Does education make a difference in salary?
Job Benefits & Job Drawbacks
What are the benefits of this career?
What are some things that may not be so great about the career?
Opportunities for Advancement
What are the chances for advancement in this field?
Would advancement require additional training?
Would advancement require additional duties? Explain.
Is there a need for continuing education to hold this position? Explain
Description of “A typical day in the life of a person in this career choice”
Write the Research Paper
After selecting the two career paths you will be evaluating, write a 3-4 page paper which includes the following sections: Make sure to follow Follow APA guidelines.
1. Title Page 2. Introduction
Identify the two career paths you selected and provide an overview of the process you used to determine the IT career paths to select from and what sparked your interest in the ones you selected. 3. Career Path 1 Discuss each of the questions listed in the “Career Questions to answer in your paper”. Summarize the aspects of this career path that you found appealing, and summarize the aspects of this career path that you find less appealing. Include citations as appropriate. 4. Career Path 2 Discuss each of the questions listed in the “Career Questions to answer in your paper”. Summarize the aspects of this career path that you found appealing, and summarize the aspects of this career path that you find less appealing. Include citations as appropriate. 5. Conclusion
Compare and contrast both Career paths you researched and write a summary of which one you are most interested in and why. Include citations as appropriate. 6. References
Include at least three web-based resources.
7. Discuss how you validated your sources
Include an appendix after your paper and discuss how you can demonstrate the ability to identify and evaluate the information using one of the current models: CRAAP: credibility, currency, reliability, validity, accuracy, usefulness, relevance, and biases.
Lateral Reading, or
Each of these models is presented in the Library Guide included in your Canvas Module on the Page: “Module 06 Learning Activities | NVCC Library Gateway to Resources”.
Write your research paper using Microsoft Word.
Save your research paper as a .docx file. You may not submit a pdf file as I must be able to see the Word formatting you used to create the document.
Name your document: Module06-Project-SmithJohn.docx (using your last and first name)
If the document file is not named correctly, the entire assignment will be rejected for grading. A 0 grade will be given for the assignment.
Once you have completed all requirements for the assignment, click the Submit Assignment button at the top of the page to submit your assignment.
Ensure the File Upload tab is selected. Click the Choose File button and a window will open to allow you to choose the file you would like to upload for submission.
Select the file you wish to submit. (note: if you have additional files to submit, click on +Add Another File. This will allow you to upload additional files for submission if needed.)
Select Submit Assignment to submit the files for grading.
This project is worth 60 points.
ITE152 Module 06: Research Paper
ITE152 Module 06: Research Paper
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA FormattingThe research paper follows the APA formatting guide and is properly formatted in WORD.
2 ptsAPA Formatting is Accurate and Complete
Citations and References are correct
1.8 ptsSmall Errors in APA Formatting
1 ptsLarge Errors in APA Formatting
0 ptsNo Marks
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle Page
5 ptsTitle Page is accurate and Complete
2.5 ptsTitle Page is Partially Accurate and Complete
0 ptsNo Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
5 ptsWell formed and complete introduction
2.5 ptsPartial Introduction
0 ptsNo Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCareer Path 1Content of Career Path 1 answers the prompts in the Assignment.
Job Title, Job Description, Education, Skills, Salary, Benefits and Drawbacks, Opportunities, Typical Day
10 ptsCareer Path #1 specifications Accurate and Complete
8 ptsCareer Path #1 Partially answered Prompts
4 ptsAnswered less than half the prompts
0 ptsDid not answer prompt for Career Path #1
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCareer Path 2Content of Career Path 2 answers the prompts in the Assignment. Content of Career Path 1 answers the prompts in the Assignment.
Job Title, Job Description, Education, Skills, Salary, Benefits and Drawbacks, Opportunities, Typical Day
10 ptsCareer Path #2 specifications Accurate and Complete
8 ptsCareer Path #2 Partially answered Prompts
4 ptsAnswered less than half the prompts
0 ptsDid NOT complete a 2nd Career Path
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionCompare and contrast both Career paths you researched and write a summary of which one you are most interested in and why.
8 ptsWell formed and complete conclusion
6 ptsConclusion not well formed and complete
0 ptsThere is a not a concluding paragraph
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeValidated SourcesInclude an appendix after your paper and discuss how you can demonstrate the ability to identify and evaluate the information using one of the current models:
CRAAP: credibility, currency, reliability, validity, accuracy, usefulness, relevance, and biases.
Lateral Reading, or
8 ptsIncluded appendix and discussed how you validated sources
4 ptsIncluded appendix and partially discussed how you validated sources
0 ptsNo appendix discussing how sources were validated
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources information entered in BibliographyInformation for each sources entered with Insert Bibliography option under References Menu
6 pts3+ sources entered in Bibliography
3 Sources or more provided.
4.8 pts2 sources entered in Bibliograpnhy
2.4 pts1 source entered in Bibliography
0 ptsNo source entered in Bibliography
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFile named as requestedFile named: Module06-Project-SmithJohn.docx (using your last and first name)
6 ptsFile named correct.
Module06-Project-SmithJohn.docx (using your last and first name)
0 ptsIncorrect file name.
Incorrect file name may result in rejection of the submission. As a result a 0 will be given for the entire paper.
6 pts
Total Points: 60