Learning Outcome Explain the importance of effective communications in a custome

Learning Outcome
Explain the importance of effective communications in a custome

Learning Outcome
Explain the importance of effective communications in a customer service environment.
Discussion Prompt
Please provide and discuss an example of how effective communications (or ineffective communications) could impact an organization.
Please answer the prompt above in complete sentences, put the information in your own words, and cite any supporting resources.
Post a substantive response to all parts of the initial discussion prompt.
Post at least one substantive response to a classmate’s response by clicking the “Reply” button.
Grading Rubric for DiscussionCriteriaRatings
Initial Post(15 pts) Response goes beyond simply answering the prompt; attempts to stimulate further thought & discussion.
(10 pts) Response provides obvious information without further analysis of the concept; lacks depth of knowledge or reasoning.(5 pts) Response does not accurately address the prompt or all parts of the prompt.(0 pts) No response provided to the prompt within the associated time frame.
Reply to Peer(5 pts) Response is substantive and attempts to stimulate further thought & discussion.
(3 pts) Response provides obvious information without further analysis of the concept.(1 pts) Response is very brief and does not add new content or depth.(0 pts) No response provided within the associated time frame.
Total Points: 20
REPLY : Please provide and discuss an example of how effective communications (or ineffective communications) could impact an organization.
EBONY : Effective communication is crucial in customer service for serval reasons but the most important form of communication to me is being able to problem-solve. Effective communication is key to resolving complaints or issues. This couldn’t be done if you don’t listen to the customer, effective listening is very important. In customer service you must learn how to listen to understand not listen to talk. When customers feel heard and understood they are more likely to have a positive view of the company.
I had a delivery issue with Walmart a few days before Christmas due to a signature being required. I purchased a Nintendo switch console online, unfortunately I missed the delivery driver both times due to my work schedule. I knew my work schedule would continue to be a conflict so I called the Walmart customer service number to see if I could switch the order to an instore pickup, they were very pleasant and happy to assist me. They even told me I would be refunded the delivery fee since I switched to instore pickup. The next day I arrived at Walmart to pick up my order, I was told it was currently out for delivery and the driver accidentally took it. The Walmart employees were trying to find ways to help me resolve the matter as fast as possible. They communicated to me all my options, they continued to communicate with me as I waited. Lastly, they apologize for the inconvenience, and I was given a gift card for the inconvenience. I was a little agitated that I had to return to Walmart once the driver returns but the gift card made me feel better. I would have had a totally different experience had there not been effective communication. From my experience I have a positive view of the company.