Leisure Inventory Surveys are the first step to leisure education by helping an

Leisure Inventory Surveys are the first step to leisure education by helping an

Leisure Inventory Surveys are the first step to leisure education by helping an individual develop an ethic, promote self-awareness, and explore opportunities that ultimately lead to designing opportunities for successful leisure engagement (Chapter 13, pages 261 – 266).  
Take the Leisure Inventory Survey then answer 4 of the following questions:
How does this Leisure Inventory Survey help you develop an ethic (pages 261-262)?
How does this Leisure Inventory Survey help you become self-aware in leisure and why is this important (pages 262-263)?
What did you learn about yourself based on your completed interest checklist (i.e., do you prefer a specific category of leisure, do you lack a significant degree of interest in leisure activities, do you prefer social activities or activities you do alone)?
How could this Leisure Inventory Survey help you explore leisure opportunities (pages 263-264)?  Select one activity of future interest, what resources and knowledge would you need to access and participate in this activity?
Select 1 leisure activity that you had a strong degree of interest.   If an individual with a disability wished to participate in this activity, how could you, as a leisure service provider, assist him/her in acquiring knowledge,  gaining the skills, and managing challenges so they could be involved in this activity (pages 264-266).