LLW1001- Criminal Law of Australia

LLW1001- Criminal Law of Australia

Assignment Task


You are a criminal lawyer who has been contacted to provide advice and guidance on potential charges concerning 4 individuals: Taco Bill; Ronald Mac; Dom Piz and The Colonial. All four individuals have been advised accordingly that charges are to be laid against them in the coming days.

Taco Bill

  • Taco is a 23-year-old single male. He is: a bi-sexual; a non-smoker; does not drink; and never takes drugs.
  • Taco decided to ‘hit the town’ one Friday night at his favorite spot the ‘Retro Nightclub’ on Lonsdale Street in Melbourne. Around 9 pm, Taco approached a male by the name of Johnny. Taco is attracted to his fit physique and decides to grope his backside.
  • Johnny is taken aback by this. He then says: Man, what do you think you are doing? Get out of my face before I knock you out”.
  • Around 8 am on Monday morning, the Victoria Police knock on Taco’s door. Taco allows them to enter. At this point in time, they explain to Taco that they would like to take him down to the police station for questioning in relation to an incident that occurred at the Retro Nightclub.

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