Make sure youb read the files, questions and know nhow to answer all the questin

Make sure youb read the files, questions and know nhow to answer all the questin

Make sure youb read the files, questions and know nhow to answer all the questins
Make sure you are good at finance.
Read the case and answer the questions
1. Did theb excel
2. do the write-up
Write-ups should address the suggested questions directly. Recommendations and evaluations should be supported using case data and all the assumptions used in the calculations should be made clear.
Basic format: A suggested basic format is as follows: (1) brief one-paragraph executive summary including your main findings, recommendation and rationale; (2) details of your analysis, including the reasons for your recommendations and the key assumptions (and justifications for these) used in your analysis; (3) and supporting exhibits/calculations.
Length: Case write-ups should be no more than four pages of text. You may attach as many supporting calculations and tables as you wish. These supporting tables and spreadsheets should contain clearly labeled assumptions and formulae.