No CHATGPT, AI, plagarism, chatbots, etc… Should the United States join the In

No CHATGPT, AI, plagarism, chatbots, etc…
Should the United States join the In

No CHATGPT, AI, plagarism, chatbots, etc…
Should the United States join the International Criminal Court? Would U.S. membership help promote international justice or would it expose American officials and service-people to politically motivated harassment? Why is the United States resistant, and does non-membership serve U.S. interests?
(Choose a stance) If you support American membership, explain why in the U.S. In the ICC thread; if you oppose U.S. membership, explain why in the U.S. Out of the ICC thread. Defend your position with either logical arguments or contemporary or historical facts. Must have a works cited in MLA format.
(1) A clear introduction that addresses directly the question posed by the instructor;
(2) A minimum of 700 words, not including works cited; (3) Source-cited, factual support for all of your claims; Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for academic essays. Plagiary will be penalized.
(4) College-level English.