nstructions: write a 6-part (but responding to 28 questions) paper. In Part One,

nstructions: write a 6-part (but responding to 28 questions) paper. In Part One,

nstructions: write a 6-part (but responding to 28 questions) paper. In Part One, you
introduce the topic – What is the topic? Part Two consists of you articulating a claim relevant
to the topic (from the list above, readings, exam, or review questions), that you want to spend
time thinking about in this assignment. In part Three, you defend that claim, or offer
reasons why it makes sense. In part Four, you offer a criticism of the claim from Part Two –
you offer reasons why the claim is not likely to be true. In Part Five, you evaluate your claim
in light of the criticism – you state, after the consideration of the criticism, the reasons why the
claim is or is not likely to be true. In Part Six, you reflect on what you have done: a conclusion
about what you have learned and what you think about the topic in light of your consideration
of the claim and its criticism..
IMPORTANT: There must be twenty-eight labeled questions/tasks in your paper. Do
not hand in a text that is not divided into sections. You will receive four points for the
successful completion of each section.
INTRODUCTION AND THE CONCLUSION. But the parts should be in their natural order (I-
VI) in the final version that you submit. And you should consider revising your paper after you
have written the introduction – you may think of something in the introduction that you have
not thought of while writing the other parts and revise your paper accordingly (especially,