Objective: Research about a Mathematical Equation that had a great impact on adv

Research about a Mathematical Equation that had a great impact on adv

Research about a Mathematical Equation that had a great impact on advancing Engineering
and technology.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Gaining the basic research skills to conduct research about a scientific topic,
2. Improving the scientific writing skills to enable students to write scientific papers or thesis,
Research Details:
1. The research topic will be assigned to each group by the instructor.
2. The report should have the following: title page, table of contents, introduction, main body,
conclusion, and references. Acknowledgment and dedication should not be included in this
3. The introduction should be about the equation definition, the importance of the equation, in
which field of engineering it is used? Which type of problems it is solving?
4. The main body should present the mathematical history of the equation, its derivation, the
mathematical expression of the equation, and the parameters used in the equation. It may
include a detailed discussion of a specific practical application that utilizes this equation.
5. The conclusion may include the constraints or limitations of the equation, its relation to any
other mathematical equations, a summary of the report, and an outlook of its applications in
6. Note that each figure or table in the report should have a caption, it has to be numbered, and it
has to be referenced appropriately, if taken from an external source.
7. The report including the cover page, table of contents, and references should be between 15
and 20 pages.
Evaluation Criteria:
1. Reports will be evaluated based on clarity, arrangement, accuracy, and completeness. Also, the
originality of the report will be checked to confirm avoiding any plagiarism violation.
2. Presentations will be evaluated based on clarity, arrangement, accuracy, and completeness.
3. Students will be evaluated after the presentation by questions about their project. The main
purpose of this discussion is to investigate the level of understanding of the student.
Make sure there is no plagiarism